How To Choose The Right Identity Verification Solution


Are you looking for a good identity verification solution to use in your business? One thing you need to keep in mind is that a bulletproof ID verification solution does not exist yet, so the goal at the moment is to minimize the fraud because it cannot be fully prevented. But this does not mean that you should settle for just any ID verification solution you come across. The following are some of the steps you should make to ensure you are choosing the right solution.

First of all, you will need to evaluate your processes.  It is important to keep in mind that not all use cases require the same level of security and validation. If the use case relates to, for instance, a simple verification of people who are checking into your office building, the set of information necessary for verification in this case does not need to be extensive. In this case, a biometric fingerprint verification and identity document scanning can do the job without the need for further checks.

 But if you run a financial service firm and are looking to offer innovative types of loans as part of your services, you will need a more complex set of information to further verify a person and cross-check with multiple data sources. In this case, the emphasis will be on asking the right questions. An internal assessment should be conducted so as to discover what set of information you need as a company in order to verify the user.

If your identity verification solution does not require, for instance, facial recognition and you only need an identity document to confirm the identity of the user, there is no need to include that unnecessary step. This revolves around use cases like entering liquor stores, night clubs, and online gaming, where the business needs to make sure that their users are of legal age.

For more tips on how to choose the right identity verification solution, visit our website at


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