Reasons To Use FIDO Webauthn In Your Business


If you have not yet upgraded your web authentication to FIDO Webauthn , you should consider doing so to avoid missing out on the benefits that this technology has. WebAuthn enables online services to use FIDO Authentication through a standard web API that can be built into browsers and related web platform infrastructure. It is a product of a collaborative effort based on specifications initially submitted by FIDO Alliance to the W3C and then iterated and finalized by the broader FIDO and W3C communities.

There are quite a number of reasons why it is a good idea to embrace FIDO webauthn. The first one is that this technology leads to improved security for customers and the business. WebAuthn replaces weak password-based login or knowledge-based answer recovery with strong public key cryptography with origin checking to prevent phishing. It makes strong authentication the baseline for using built-in and external hardware authenticators, something that in turn ensures the users are protected from account takeovers.

According to a recent study that was conducted by Google, more than 350,000 wide-scale and targeted attacks were reviewed, and the results showed that security keys were the most effective at stopping account takeovers. The elimination of password-based login helps to protect customers from the threats of credential theft and phishing and also relieves organizations from the vulnerabilities associated with storing and protecting millions of user credentials.

Using FIDO webauthn also leads to improved customer experience and brand loyalty. The average US consumer tries to keep track of more than different passwords across all their websites and services. Business users are estimated to be responsible for memorizing and using a greater number of passwords, reaching up to as many as 191. Due to the many number of passwords required for daily digital activities, it inevitably results in forgotten passwords, password resets, or at the worst, account takeovers because of weak or reused passwords. As a result, passwords degrade customer experiences, contribute to lost revenue and reduce brand loyalty.

For more information on the benefits of FIDO webauthn in your business, visit our website at


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