How FIDO Webauthn Works


In recent years, the cybersecurity industry has experienced a significant increase in websites losing consumer data to bad actors. There have been many account takeover fraud losses, and leading customer facing companies such as Google have experienced massive data security breaches. With the fundamental loss in consumer trust and millions in lost revenue, it is important for companies to take a second look at their approach to protecting their users.

In March 2019, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced that FIDO WebAuthn is now the official web standard for password-free login. With support from a broad set of applications, widespread adoption of WebAuthn is expected in the coming years.

With this new standard, any web application that runs in a browser that supports WebAuthn can now take advantage of these authenticators to securely authenticate users. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Opera, and rapid adoption by platforms (such as MSFT Edge with Windows Hello, Google Android), means there is finally a practical way to deploy FIDO WebAuthn.

In the past, there was a lack of supported browsers as well as platforms, and this was a huge impediment to the adoption of U2F. Nowadays, organizations can deploy with external tokens such as YubiKeys or through supported platforms themselves because the device itself is used for WebAuthn.

FIDO WebAuthn has many positive side effects for both users and businesses. Apart from the fact that there are better user experiences possible with WebAuthn (passwordless login, for example), the businesses and consumers alike can benefit from better security as well as a decrease in the type of attacks that can be used against them. For those running businesses, using WebAuthn means that automated, cross-site password attacks such as password spraying or password stuffing cannot be used against their websites.

For more information on FIDO WebAuthn, visit our website at


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