The Advantages of Using Passwordless Authentication UX in Your Business


Whether or not to use passwordless authentication ux is a question that you may be asking yourself right now if you are a business person.  Employees are without doubt one of the fundamental elements of your organization. Yet sadly, most of the security issues arise because of employee negligence and errors. One common mistake made by employees is the use of weak passwords. According to a Verizon report, 81 percent of data breaches occur because of weak, stolen or misused passwords. The good news is that things can be better when you switch to passwordless authentication.

There are quite a number of advantages of using passwordless authentication ux in your business. The first one is that it provides protection against phishing attacks. Phishing is said to be one of the most prevalent types of cyber-attacks, comprising more than 80 percent of reported attacks. The attacker will in most cases aim to deceive the users into compromising their login credentials.

Since passwordless authentication uses modern authentication methods that reduce the risk of being targeted via phishing attacks, it means that your employees will not need to provide any sensitive information to the threat actors that give them access to their accounts or other confidential data when they get a phishing email.

Another advantage of using passwordless authentication ux is that it can help improve supply chain security. With passwordless authentication, it will not be easy for any third party to compromise the network and enter the database to install malicious code on the target’s website. Hence, this modern authentication method can play a critical role in preventing software supply chain attacks and improving supply chain security.

For more information on the advantages of using passwordless authentication ux in your business, visit our website at


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