The Benefits of Using Passwordless Authentication UX in Your Business


It is without doubt that employees are an important part of any organization. But sadly, a lot of the security issues arise due to employee negligence and errors. A common mistake that many employees make is using weak passwords.

If you feel like using passwords is putting your business data and systems at risk, you could switch to passwordless authentication UX. This is a process that verifies the identity of a user with something other than a password. It strengthens security by eliminating password management practices and the risk of threat vectors.

So, why should you use passwordless authentication in your business? Credential theft and password misuse are on the rise. As a result, companies are heading towards passwordless authentication with the aim of addressing the failure of passwords and protecting access to data, systems and networks.

For enterprises, the need for passwordless authentication is very important especially in this digital age. It also minimizes the havoc of creating new passwords every three months, while costs for the information technology department are lowered as no investment is made in password managers.

One of the ways that your organization can benefit from passwordless authentication is the stronger cybersecurity posture that this technology will present. Enterprises experience losses of $3.92m on average from data breaches. If cyber-criminals get access to your passwords, it means that they can access your company’s confidential data. They can even get into your employees’ data and alter it too. However, with passwordless authentication, there is no need to worry about data or identity theft. This is because the hardware token only provides access to a few privileged users.

For more information on the benefits of using passwordless authentication UX in your business, visit our website at


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