The Benefits of Using Biometric Identity Verification in Your Business


Biometric identity verification is one of the technologies that you should consider implementing in your business if you want to ensure the security of your systems. This technology and its uses in modern-day tech as well as digital applications has a number of advantages. The following are some of them.

One of the benefits of security with biometrics is that user experience is convenient and fast.  Even though the internal processes for biometric authentication is technical, from the point of view of a user, it is incredibly easy and quick. Putting a finger on a scanner and unlocking an account in seconds is faster compared to typing out a long password that has multiple special characters. Additionally, forgetting a password is a common mistake that most users tend to make. Chances of you forgetting your own biometrics are nil.

Another benefit of using biometric identity verification technology in your business is that biometrics are non-transferrable. This technology requires its input to be present upon authorization. It is not possible to transfer or share a physical biometric digitally. The only way to use most biometric authentication systems is with a physical application.

Last but not least, biometric identity verification is near spoof-proof. Biometrics such as face patterns, iris scanning and fingerprints are near-impossible to replicate with current technology. There is a one in 64 billion chance that your fingerprint will match up exactly with someone else’s. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than having the same fingerprint as a hacker who may be attempting to get into your account that’s secured by biometrics. This means that your systems will be much safer when you start using biometric technology in your business.

For more information on the benefits of using biometric identity verification in your business, visit our website at


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