Advantages of Implementing FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication in Your Business


If you are considering making the switch from traditional passwords to FIDO2 passwordless authentication, you can be sure that you are making a step in the right direction. FIDO2 is an open authentication standard that is hosted by the FIDO Alliance and consists of the W3C Web Authentication specification (WebAuthn API), and the Client to Authentication Protocol (CTAP). It is an extension of FIDO U2F, and offers the same level of high-security based on public key cryptography.

FIDO2 offers expanded authentication option, which include strong single factor (passwordless), strong two factor, and multi-factor authentication. With these new capabilities, the weak static username/password credentials can be replaced with strong hardware-backed public/private-key credentials. These credentials cannot be reused, replayed, or shared across services, and they are not subject to phishing and man in the middle attacks or server breaches.

There are various advantages of using FIDO2 passwordless authentication in your business. One of them is that it provides strong security. This technology replaces weak passwords with strong hardware-based authentication using public key crypto to protect against session hijacking, phishing, man-in-the-middle, and malware attacks. There are no secrets shared between services.

Another advantage of FIDO2 passwordless authentication is that it is an open standard, meaning that it provides flexibility and product choice. This technology is designed for existing phones and computers, for many authentication modalities, and with different communication methods including USB and NFC.

Last but not least, FIDO2 is a good stet up authentication. For services requiring a higher level of authentication security, FIDO2 supports step up authentication allowing use of strong single factor (passwordless), two-factor as well as multi-factor authentication for additional protection.

For more information on the advantages of implementing FIDO2 passwordless authentication in your business, visit our website at



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