The Benefits of Upgrading to FIDO WebAuthn Authentication


We live in an era where authentication has matured beyond passwords with the introduction of a wide range of two-factor authentication methods. Most recently, we have the advent of passwordless logins with FIDO WebAuthn, the new global standard for web authentication.

FIDO WebAuthn now sets a new bar for user authentication and is considered best in class for protecting user accounts. It is supported in all major browsers and platforms and offers the opportunity for services to easily offer a wide range of strong authentication methods to users, including a passwordless experience. This includes use of security keys or built-in authenticators like biometric readers.

There are various reasons why it is a good idea to upgrade to WebAuthn authentication. One of them is the widespread accessibility of this method. One of the key differentiators of FIDO WebAuthn is the widespread acceptance as well as adoption of the technology across major browsers, operating systems as well as devices. Browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Google Android have already added support for FIDO WebAuthn, and Apple most recently announced WebAuthn support by default in Safari Technology Preview Release 83.

Moreover, the growing availability of built-in authenticators on computers as well as phones has provided users new options for authentication. As a service provider, this enables you to provide fast, convenient, as well as secure authentication options for all types of users, no matter the kind of device or operating system that they are using.

FIDO WebAuthn also leads to improved security for customers and the business. This technology replaces weak password-based login or knowledge-based answer recovery with strong public key cryptography with origin checking to prevent phishing. Since strong authentication is the baseline for using built-in and external hardware authenticators, users are protected from account takeovers.

For more information on the benefits of upgrading to FIDO WebAuthn authentication, visit our website at


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