Things To Know About FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication


When it comes to securing your business systems, there are various technologies that you can use. One of them is fido2 passwordless authentication. FIDO2 goes beyond simply being an extension of FIDO or the FIDO alliance and adds in new protocols for passwordless authentication.

FIDO2 stands for Fast Identity Online 2 and is also referred to as “The New Passwordless Standard.” The original FIDO was created by the FIDO Alliance to require better authentication standards for passwords as well as logins.

FIDO is an open and license-free security standard for authentication on the web. More specifically, FIDO2 is the third iteration of the standard, following two previous specifications.

Before FIDO2, there was FIDO Universal Second Factor (FIDO U2F), which is an open specification to help online services augment their password-based authentication with two-factor authentication capabilities. And before that, there was FIDO Universal Authentication Framework (FIDO UAF), which is an open specification that allows online services to augment their existing services with multi-factor authentication and passwordless security.

As a successor to FIDO UAF, FIDO2 essentially represents a universal way of implementing passwordless identity on top of existing identity verification infrastructure. A passwordless system is a new approach to verification that removes passwords as a weak point both for security as well as for social engineering attacks like phishing.

The entire goal of FIDO2 and payment authentication is to allow organizations to implement passwordless login capabilities with or without multi factor authentication. To accomplish this, FIDO2 protocols uses both cryptography as well as traditional authentication. The user registers with an identity management service as a FIDO2 user, and then the service generates a cryptographic key pair. The private key is stored on a device, and the public key is registered with the service.

For more information on FIDO2 passwordless authentication, visit our website at


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